What to Expect from an Electrical Apprenticeship with electrogroup

The best electrical apprenticeship in Sydney offers apprentices amazing opportunities for growth and development, ultimately leading to a long and fulfilling career. The electrotechnology industry is fast-paced and exciting, and the more you prepare for your placement, the better. Let’s take a look at everything you should expect as an electrical apprentice.

Structured Training & Employment

An apprenticeship combines work and structured training for a fulfilling, hands-on job that prepares you for qualification as an electrician. This is an opportunity to earn as you learn. Not only does this motivate you to keep learning and growing, but it also demonstrates how electricians can have long, successful careers in a booming industry.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and electrical apprenticeships in Sydney, Newcastle, Regional NSW or ACT are the stepping stone to full-time qualified electrician work.

Comprehensive Support

From the interactive experience during training to the reliable management from a trusted Group Training Organisation like electrogroup, you can expect the professional guidance and support you need to keep moving forward toward your professional goals.

Competitive pay, superannuation, and workplace cover are all taken care of, so you can focus more on the key tasks at hand such as learning about wiring, testing circuits, installing electrical switchboards, and more.

Wide Range of Opportunities

Lastly, perhaps the best thing to expect from an electrical apprenticeship with electrogroup is a bright future. Apprentices trained by electrogroup are highly sought-after by employers, and that’s because we have a reputation for reliable, hardworking, and intelligent apprentices who always get the job done.

If you can give it your all, then an electrical apprenticeship could be the best thing you do for yourself, both professionally and personally. Once your placement is done, you’ll be well-prepared for your next job, and you will be better off financially with no HECS debt, a huge advantage over other career paths.

Sign Up for Electrical Apprenticeships with electrogroup

Now that you know what to expect as a new apprentice, it’s time to take the next step toward your professional goals. Register for an apprenticeship with electrogroup or contact us today.


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